Konvensiyonel Laringoskop Setleri

  2. Diagnostic Systems
  3. Laryngoscope Sets
  4. Konvensiyonel Laringoskop Setleri

Konvensiyonel Laringoskop Setleri

They are the tools needed to directly see the larynx and place the endotracheal tube in the trachea.
It consists of two parts called handle (hand) and bleed (blade). The simple larynx-gated pouch placed inside the handle provides burning of the ampoule on the bleed when the handle and bleed are fitted properly.
They are roughly classified according to the bleedin shape (Macin-tosh-curve and Miller-flat) and light source (battery, fiberoptic).
For adults and children there are various types of bleeds. There are also bleeders that can be angled in various forms to make it difficult to use on the introitus.
Conventional Blade Mac No: 0
SKU 10-3000-00
134º Resistant to autoclavable disinfectant solution.
LED Lamp (White light)
Conventional Blade Mac No: 1
SKU 10-3000-01
134º Resistant to autoclavable disinfectant solution.
Led Lamp (White light)
Conventional Blade Mac No: 2
SKU 10-3002-02
134º Resistant to autoclavable disinfectant solution.
Led Lamp (White light)
Conventional Blade Mac No: 3
SKU 10-3003-03
134º Resistant to autoclavable disinfectant solution.
Led Lamp (White light)
Conventional Blade Mac No: 4
SKU 10-3004-04
134º Resistant to autoclavable disinfectant solution.
Led Lamp (White light)
Conventional Blade Mac No: 5
SKU 10-3005-05
134º Resistant to autoclavable disinfectant solution.
Led Lamp (White light)

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